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Friday, September 6, 2013

ACL 2013 Sat. 5pm Grimes

I'm not sure if Saturday at 5pm at ACL is the best place to see Grimes.  A much better place would be Lamberts, which she played in Feb. 2012. She also played Emo's East on my birthday last year.  Rant begins: that place is worse than the Austin Music Hall.  I went to two shows there but never again.  I saw two bands I've seen before who I know put on great shows: Foals and Father John Misty.  The sound was atrocious.  The whole experience was awful: parking, entrance lines, beer prices, beer lines, audience noise, and acoustics.  It takes an extra shitty venue to make a Foals concert seem average.  When they played La Zona Rosa on their last tour it was probably my top live show of that year.  Emo's East needs to die.  Move it back to 6th and Red River.  That place was a shithole but at least it was a great place for live music.  Now it's a shithole that ruins live music.  End rant.

Most people will be ready to rock at 5pm so they'll probably head to Joy Formidable.  I like her ethereal synth-pop so I'd like to check her out.  A good band to see if you're planning on seeing Passion Pit at 6pm.  (I'll be at Wilco of course).


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