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Tuesday, September 5, 2017

ACL 2017: Tash Sultana

Saturday at 3pm.  The 2pm slot has Car Seat Headrest and Parker Millsap as choices.  We saw a little of Parker Millsap when he played the tent in 2014.  He's back in the tent.  I'm leaning toward Car Seat Headrest.

3pm  has Benjamin Booker so I assume that's your choice.  This is a 21 year-old out of Melbourne that has become hugely popular in Australia based on a single EP.  She hasn't released an album yet.  I like the songs I've heard.  Nice mellow Jack Johnson kind-of vibe but female.

She's a one-woman band.  Here's the video of her in action.  4M views!  She's also done an NPR Tiny Desk Concert.


Another song on Amazon:



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