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Tuesday, February 25, 2025

SXSW 2025: JD Clayton

Playing Luck on the BMI Songwriters Circle. He's also playing Waterloo Records at 1pm on Wednesday (after Ken Pomeroy). This showcase has three artists swapping songs. We saw Valley James play at Saxon Pub and we'll see her band Valley Flower play at Old Settler's. We saw Coleman Jennings open for Briscoe at Stubb's. I liked them both.

The third songwriter is from Arkansas.  This article talks about his album:

Blue Sky Sundays is the culmination of a few years living in Nashville, chasing the dream of making a living by making music in what he thought to be the correct, the industry way. To then, with a new perspective, deciding to return the family home to Arkansas, basing the tour operation from home. Leaving home to return again is a familiar trope in many a great story but for Clayton, it’s personal.

His new album comes out Friday (Feb. 28th). "Brown Haired Blue Eyed Beauty" is his most streamed song.  Good R&B song.

"American Millionaire" is good.

This is his latest single. Catchy. Clever lyrics.

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