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Friday, March 1, 2019

SXSW 2019: John the Martyr

I RSVP'd to the ACL Bloody Mary Morning for us.  I know all but 2 on the list.  I saw Strumbellas at Lambert's in 2016 after you went back to work.  They played ACL that year but I don't remember us going to see them.  They'll get the crowd going.  We definitely saw Reignwolf at ACL in 2013.  SONTALK is on my list to see and we may end up seeing him a couple times since he's playing everywhere during SXSW.

This is a band is out of NYC.  I'll just copy what this article says about them, mispellings included: "John the Martyr came together in 2017 when guitarist 26-year-old Kyle Ridley, who had moved to New York City from New Orelans, first encountered 70 year-old Harlem native Bill Hudson singing with a doo-wop group in the subway. Ridley approached Hudson abot recording some music he had written, which led the formation of John The Martyr. The 10-piece soul collective, fronted by Hudson, whose vocals have been compared to Otis Redding and Al Green, will release their debut record in 2019."

Cross the Line

1 comment:

the future Mrs. Smith said...

These guys will get the crowd going as well. I like them. We'll probably need to get to the show when it starts this year. I'll try not to hold us up! Strumbellas are a little too pop for me, but I'm sure they'll be good live.