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Friday, September 17, 2021

ACL 2021: The HU

Saturday at 6:30pm in the Tito's tent.  Our other options at this time are Modest Mouse (your "favorite") and Doja Cat (we watched her performance at the Grammys).  Neither really do much for me.  Let's see who else is playing...

I googled The Hu and it only came up with some folk rock/heavy metal band from Mongolia. That couldn't be it, right?.  I found their website and sure enough they're playing ACL.  So I went to their wikipedia page and this is the description:

"With traditional Mongolian instrumentation, including the Morin khuur, the Tovshuur, and Mongolian throat singing,[2][3] the band calls their style of music "hunnu rock", hu inspired by the Hunnu, an ancient Mongol/Turkic empire, known as Xiongnu in China. Some of the band's lyrics include old Mongolian war cries and poetry'

Then I found the video below.  This song and this video KICK ASS.  Then I checked out "The Great Chinggis Khaan". Holy shit.

I don't know about you but I want to see this show. They also play week one so I'm sure there will be lots of buzz going into week two. It's in the tent so that's going be crazy.  

1 comment:

the future Mrs. Smith said...

The songs sound kinda the same to me. I'll check them out, but they may be too loud for me.