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Friday, February 28, 2025

SXSW 2025: Coldwave

Here is another Australian band playing at Lazarus on Friday. They play at 2pm. They are also playing the Third Man Records day party at 13th Floor on Friday (along with Youbet who we saw open for Ratboys and Palehound at Warsaw). No times yet for that show.

Per this site:

Australian six-piece Coldwave is a frantic yet tightly controlled blend of jagged guitars, booming horns and uncompromising vocal delivery that captures the abstract in life’s most mundane moments...Wielding a sound described as “post-punk pulse accelerant”, Coldwave’s EPs ‘Same Window, Different House’ and ‘No Conflict’ were met with glowing praise.

Here they are live with "No Conflict".  I like them. I'm not sure you will.

This is their latest single.

1 comment:

the future Mrs. Smith said...

You are correct. Not a fan.